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  • Author of highly acclaimed book, Transdisciplinary Systems Engineering: Exploiting Convergence in a Hyper-Connected World (foreword by Norm Augustine), Springer, 2017; received INCOSE RMC award for “industry-relevant breakthrough advances” in transdisciplinary systems engineering

  • Co-author of textbook, Tradeoff Decisions in System Design (foreword by John Slaughter); Springer 2016; book being adopted as textbook for Systems Engineering M.S. programs at major universities

  • Mentored students, faculty, and entrepreneurs from under-represented groups who went on to have successful careers in academia and business

  • Founded IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society’s award-winning Technical Committee for Model-Based Systems Engineering

  • Received highest award in systems engineering in 2011: INCOSE Pioneer Award for transformative advances in systems engineering research and education

  • Founded and grew Intelligent Systems Technology Inc.1588% in the first five years; key innovations: game-based simulations for education and training, and model-based storytelling - a cross-disciplinary approach that combines model-based engineering with interactive storytelling in virtual worlds to explore system behaviors in alternate futures

  • Created, introduced, commercialized and gained Army-wide adoption of videogame-based military training simulators (national headlines)

  • Developed model-based storytelling, a cross-disciplinary approach to modeling, analysis, visualization, and design of complex systems

  • Principal Investigator on 88 sponsored R&D projects (~$60 million)​

  • Developed 10 Award-winning products from DOD-sponsored research

  • Introduced videogames technology and platform-based engineering into military training simulators; reduced cost by an order of magnitude with wide soldier acceptance; technology adopted and institutionalized by U.S. Army

  • Founded Viterbi’s SAE Research Program; transformed SAE Graduate Educational Program to become the leading systems engineering graduate program in the country

  • Organized and Served as General Chair (every 3 years) of the Conference on Systems Engineering Research for the past ten years – the conference is now the number one rated international conference for systems engineering research


Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Life Fellow of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE)

Fellow of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)

Fellow of International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)

Life Fellow of Society for Design and Process Science (SDPS)

Life Fellow of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE)

2018 INCOSE Outstanding Professional Services Award

2017 IEEE SMC System Science and Engineering Award for founding and chairing most influential and active Model Based Systems Engineering Technical Committee

2017 Dean’s Award for Innovation in Teaching and Education

2017 John F. Guarrera Engineering Educator of the Year from Engineer’s Council

2017 James E. Ballinger Engineer of the Year Award from Orange County Engineering Council

2016 Lifetime Accomplishments Award from the Boeing Company

2016 Visionary Systems Engineering Leadership Award from the Boeing Company

2016 INCOSE RMC Special Award for Pioneering Industry-Relevant Contributions to Transdisciplinary Systems Engineering

2016 Distinguished Engineering Educator Award, Engineer’s Council

2016 Outstanding Educator Award, Orange County Engineering Council

2014 Lifetime Achievement Award from INCOSE for fundamental contributions to SE

2013 IISE Prize for Innovation in Curriculum Development

2013 Susan C. Ruth Distinguished Service Award from INCOSE-LA

2012 INCOSE Exceptional Achievement Award for Transformative Advances in Multi-disciplinary Approaches to Systems Engineering

2011 INCOSE Pioneer Award for Seminal Contributions to System Science and Engineering and to Society (other award winners: Si Ramo, Norm Augustine)

2008 President’s Award from the Society of Design and Process Science (SDPS)

2006 C.V. Ramamoorthy Distinguished Scholar Award from SDPS             

2004 Developer of the Year Award from the Technology Council of Southern California

2004 DARPA Sustained Excellence by a Performer, Info. Processing Technology Office

2004 DARPA Significant Technical Achievement, Info. Processing Technology Office

2004 DARPA Outstanding Performance by a Small Business, Info. Processing Technology Office

2000 Developer of the Year Award from the Technology Council of Southern California

2000 Blue Chip Enterprise Award from Mass Mutual and U.S. Chamber of Commerce

2000 Distinguished CEO of Computerworld’s Top 100 Emerging Companies to Watch  

1999 SBA’s National Tibbetts Award for California for Innovation Research        

Listed in Marquis Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, Who’s Who in Industry and Finance, and Who’s Who in America

1985 Battlefield AI/Robotics. Guest Expert. International Defense Electronics Association (IDEA). Munich. Paris. London.

1984 Battlefield AI/Robotics. Guest Expert. International Defense Electronics Association (IDEA). Washington, DC. Boston, MA. Orlando, FL.

University of Southern California

© 2023 by Azad M. Madni, PhD

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