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“If you want to change the world, you have to change the metaphor.”

- Joseph Campbell -

Recent Invited Talks and Keynotes

Madni, A.M. “The Evolution of Intelligent Systems and Formal Methods,” Keynote Address, AIAA Intelligent Systems Technical Committee Workshop, The Aerospace Corporation, August 7-8, 2018

Madni, A.M. Resilient Cyber-Physical-Human Systems and the Role of Machine Learning, Keynote Presentation, Center for Systems and Software Engineering Annual Research Review, University of Southern California, March 14, 2018

Madni, A. M. Systems Engineering in the 21st Century: Trends, Opportunities, and a New Mindset, Invited Talk, INCOSE-LA, Nov 9, 2016.

Madni, A.M., “Understanding Systems Architecture and Complexity Through Interactive Model-Based Storytelling,” Invited Talk CESUN Conference, George Washington University, June 27-29, 2016.

Madni, A.M., “Model Based Systems Engineering Meets Interactive Storytelling in Virtual Worlds,” Invited Presentation, Northrop Grumman Corporation, April 2016.

Madni, A.M., “Model, Stories, Immersive Experience: System Engineering in 21st Century,” Keynote Address, INCOSE Regional Mini-Conference, April 2016.

Madni, A.M., “Exploiting Disciplinary Convergence in Complex Systems Engineering,” Keynote Presentation, Center for Systems and Software Engineering (CSSE), March 2016. 

Madni, A.M., “Experiential Design Through Model-Driven Storytelling in Virtual Worlds”, Aerospace Corporation Colloquium, Invited Presentation, September 24, 2014.

Madni, A.M., “Experiential and Human Factors Aspects of Elegant Systems Design,” Invited Presentation, Boeing Professor’s Day, April 2014.

Madni, A.M., “Enabling Elegant Systems Design Through Technical Storytelling in Virtual Worlds,” Keynote Presentation, 2014 Center for Systems and Software Engineering Annual Research Review, Los Angeles, California, 2014.

Madni, A.M. “Storytelling to Educate and Persuade: A Healthcare Perspective,” Invited Lecture, Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) Seminar Series, Keck School of Medicine, January 7, 2013.

Madni, A.M. “Affordable, Adaptable and Effective: The Case for Engineered Resilient Systems,” Invited Provocative Talk, Engineering Resilient Systems Workshop, Keck Institute for Space Studies, Caltech, Pasadena, CA, July 30-Aug. 3, 2012.

Recent Journal Articles

Madni, A.M. MBSE Testbed for Rapid, Cost-Effective Prototyping and Evaluation of System Modeling Approaches, Applied Sciences Journal, 2021, 11(5), 2321;, Mar 2021.
Purohit, S. and Madni, A.M. Analysis of System Integration Strategy with Inter-Level and Intra-Level Dependency Matrix (I2DM), IEEE Systems Journal, 2021.
Pouya, P. and Madni, A.M. Expandable POMDP Framework for Modeling and Analysis of Autonomous Vehicle Behavior, IEEE Systems Journal, July 2020.
Madni, A.M. Exploiting Augmented Intelligence in Systems Engineering and Engineered Systems, INSIGHT Special Issue, Systems Engineering and AI, March 2020. 
Madni, A.M., Erwin, D., and Sievers, M. Constructing Models for Systems Resilience: Challenges, Concepts, Formal Methods, and Illustrative Examples, MDPI Systems, 2020, 8,3; doi:10.3390/systems8010003.
Madni, A.M. Transdisciplinary Systems Engineering: Exploiting Disciplinary Convergence to Address Grand Challenges, IEEE SMC Magazine, Vol. 5, Issue 2, pp. 6-11, April 2019.
Madni, A.M. and Purohit, S. Economic Analysis of Model Based Systems Engineering, MDPI Systems, special issue on “Model-Based Systems Engineering,” Feb 2019
D’Ambrosio, J., Adithan, A., Ordoukhanian, E., Paranandum, P., Ramesh, S., Madni, A.M., and Sundaram, P. A MBSE Approach for Development of Resilient Automated Automotive Systems, MDPI Systems, special issue on “Model-Based Systems Engineering,” Jan 2019.
Ordoukhanian, E., and Madni, A.M. Model Based Approach to Engineering Resilience in Multi-UAV System-of-Systems, MDPI Systems, special issue on “Model-Based Systems Engineering,” Feb 2019.
Madni, A.M., Madni, C.C., and Lucero, D.S. Leveraging Digital Twin Technology in Model-Based Systems Engineering, MDPI Systems, special issue on “Model-Based Systems Engineering,” Feb 2019 (most cited article in Digital Twins and Model Based Systems Engineering; citations:200)
Madni, A.M., and Madni, C.C. Architectural Framework for Exploring Adaptive Human-Machine Teaming Options in Simulated Dynamic Environments, MDPI Systems, special issue on “Model-Based Systems Engineering,” December 9, 2018.
Madni, A.M., Sievers, M., Madni, A., Ordoukhanian, E., and Pouya, P. Extending Formal Modeling for Resilient System Design, INSIGHT, Vol. 21, Issue 3, pp. 34-41, October 2018.
Madni, A.M., Sievers, M. and Madni, C.C. Adaptive Cyber-Physical-Human Systems: Exploiting Cognitive Modeling and Machine Learning in the Control Loop, INSIGHT, Vol. 21, Issue 3, pp. 87-93, 2018.

Madni, A.M., Erwin, D. and Sievers, M. Experimentation Testbed for Verification and Testing of MBSE Models, MDPI Systems, Accepted for Publication.

Madni, A.M. and Sievers, M.  “Model Based Systems Engineering: Motivation, Current Status, and Research Opportunities,” Systems Engineering, 20th Anniversary Special Issue, vol. 21, issue 3, pp. 172-190, 2018.

Madni, A.M. “People-Driven Software Development: A 21st Century Imperative,” CrossTalk, The Journal of Defense Software Engineering, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2016.

Ring, J. and Madni, A.M. Resilience, Latent Faults, and Systems that Learn, Insight, Special Issue, Vol. 18, issue 1, April 2015.

Madni, A.M.  “Expanding Stakeholder Participation in Upfront System Engineering Through Storytelling in Virtual Worlds,” Systems Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 16-27, Jan. 2015.

Madni, A.M. “A Systems Perspective on Compressed Sensing and its Use in Reconstructing Sparse Networks, IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 8, Issue 1, March 2014.

Madni, A.M. and Sievers, M. “System of Systems Integration: Key Considerations and Challenges,” Systems Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 330-347, Fall 2014.

Madni, A.M. and Sievers, M. “Systems Integration: Key Perspectives, Experiences, and Challenges,” Systems Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 1, p. 37-51, Spring 2014.

Madni, A.M. “Generating Novel Options During Systems Architecting: Psychological Principles, Systems Thinking, and Computer-Based Aiding,” Systems Engineering, Volume 17, Number 1, pp. 1-9, 2014.

Neches, R. and Madni, A.M. “Towards Affordably Adaptable and Effective Systems,” Systems Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 224-234, Summer 2013.

Madni, A.M. “Elegant Systems Design: Creative Fusion of Simplicity and Power, Systems Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 347-354, Fall 2012.

Madni A.  “Adaptable Platform-Based Engineering: Key Enablers and Outlook for the Future,” Systems Engineering, Vol. 15, No, 1, pp. 95-107, Spring 2012. 

Madni, A.M. “Producing the Best for Aerospace and Defense: USC’s Systems Architecting and Engineering Program,” Astropolitics, 9:165-172, 2011.

Madni, A.M. “Heuristic Development of the Generalized Inverse,” Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, June 2011, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 1-7.

Madni, A.M. “Game-based Simulation for Cross-Cultural Decision-Making Training,” Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries Journal, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 85-94, March/April 2013.

Madni, A.M. “Integrating Humans With and Within Software and Systems: Challenges and Opportunities,” (Invited Paper) CrossTalk, Journal of Defense Software Engineering, May/June 2011, “People Solutions.”

Madni, A.M. “Towards a Generalizable Aiding-Training Continuum for Human Performance Enhancement,” Systems Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 129-140, Summer 2011.

Madni, A.M. “Transdisciplinary System Science: Implications for Healthcare and Other Problems of Global Significance,” Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 38-54, December 2010.

Madni, A.M. “Integrating Humans with Software and Systems: Technical Challenges and a Research Agenda,” Systems Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 232-245, Autumn (Fall) 2010.

Moini, A., and Madni, A.M. “Leveraging Biometrics for User Authentication in Online Learning: A Systems Perspective,” IEEE Systems Journal, Special issue on Biometrics Systems, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 469-476, December 2009.

Madni, A.M., and Andrecut, M. “Efficient Heuristic Approaches to the Weapon Target Assignment Problem,” AIAA Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication, Vol. 6, pp. 405-415, June 2009.

Madni, A.M., and Jackson, S. "Towards a conceptual framework for resilience engineering." IEEE Systems Journal, 3.2, 181-191, 2009.

Madni, A.M. “AgileTecting™: A Principled Approach to Introducing Agility in Systems Engineering and Product Development Enterprises,” Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, Vol. 12, No. 4, December 2008.

Madni, A.M., and Madni, C.C. “Intelligent Agents as Synthetic Role Players in Scenario-Based Training,” J. of Integrated Design and Process Science, 12 (1), Mar 2008, pp. 41-56.

Madni, A.M., and Moini, A. “Viewing Enterprises as Systems-of-Systems (SoS): Implications for SoS Research,” Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, Vol. 11, No. 2, June 2007, pp. 3-14.

Madni, A.M. “Transdisciplinarity: Reaching Beyond Disciplines to Find Connections,” Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, Vol. 11, No. 1, March 2007, pp. 1-11.

Madni, A.M., Lin, W., and Madni, C.C. “IDEON™:  An Extensible Ontology for Designing, Integrating, and Managing Collaborative Distributed Enterprises in Systems Engineering,” Systems Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 35-48, 2001.

Madni, A.M. “The Role of Human Factors in Expert Systems Design and Acceptance,” Human Factors Journal, August 1988, 30(4), 395-414.

Recent Books

Madni, A.M., “Transdisciplinary Systems Engineering: Exploiting Convergence in a Hyper-connected World,” (foreword by Norm Augustine), Springer, September 2017.

Bahill, T. and Madni, A.M. “Trade-off Decisions in System Design,” (foreword by John Slaughter), Springer, Dec. 2016. 

Madni, A.M. and Boehm, B. (eds), “Engineered Resilient Systems: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century,” Procedia Computer Science 28 (2014), ISSN 1877-0509, Elsevier, 2014.

Madni, A.M., Boehm, B. et al. (eds.) Disciplinary Convergence: Implications for Systems Engineering Research, Springer, 2017

Recent Book Chapters

Madni, A.M., Purohit, S., and Madni, A. Digital Twin Technology-Enabled Research Testbed for Game-Based Learning and Assessment in Theoretical Issues of Using Simulations and Games in Educational Assessment, O'Neil, H. (Eds.), Taylor & Francis, Spring 2020
2Madni, A.M., and Sievers, M. Closed Loop Mission Assurance Based on Flexible Contracts: A Fourth Industrial Revolution Imperative, in Systems Engineering in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Big Data, Novel Technologies, and Modern Systems Engineering, Kenett, R., Swarz, R.S., and Zonnenshaim, A. (Eds.), Wiley and Sons, Fall 2019
Madni, A.M. and Bahill, T. Handling Uncertainty in Engineered Systems, Handbook of Systems Science, 1st Edition (Eds.: Metcalf, G.S., Deguchi, H., and Kijimo, K.), Springer, 2019.
Ordoukhanian, E. and Madni, A.M. Human-Systems Integration Challenges in Resilient Multi-UAV Operation in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 595, 2017.

Parnell, G., Cilli, M., Madni, A.M., and Roedler, G. Introduction to Trade-off Analysis, in Trade-off Analytics, Parnell, G. (Ed.), Wiley, 2016.

Parnell, G. Madni, A.M. Bordley, R.F. A Conceptual Framework and Mathematical Foundation for Trade-off Analysis, in Trade-off Analytics, Parnell, G. (Ed.), Wiley, 2016.

Madni, A.M. and Ross, A. Exploring Concept Trade-Offs, in Trade-off Analytics, Parnell, G. (Ed.), Wiley, 2016.

Madni, A.M., Sievers, M., “System of Systems Integration: Fundamental Concepts, Challenges and Opportunities,” in Exploring the Fundamentals of Systems-of-systems Engineering, Hsu, J (Ed.), AIAA, 2016.

Madni, A.M., Moini, A., and Madni, C. “Cross-Cultural Decision-Making Training Using Behavioral Game Theoretic Framework” in Advances in Cross-Cultural Decision Making, Schmorrow, D. and Nicholson, D. (Eds.), CRC Press, 2010.

Madni, A.M. and Sievers, M. Formal Model-Based Methods in Closed Loop Mission Assurance,” Systems Engineering for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Eds. Avigdor Zonenshain, Ron Kennett, Robert S. Swarz), Wiley, expected 2018.

Madni, A.M. and Bahill, T. Identifying Sources of Uncertainty in Engineered Systems, Handbook of System Science, 1st Edition, (Eds.: Gary Metcalf, Hiroshi Deguchi, Kyoichi Kijima), Springer, expected 2018.

Recent Conference Papers

Madni, A.M. and Purohit, S. Augmenting MBSE with Digital Twin Technology:   Implementation, Analysis, Preliminary Results, and Findings, accepted for publication 2021 IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics International Conference, Victoria, Australia.

Wheaton, M. and Madni, A.M. Modeling of Case Studies for Dynamic Exploration of Alternate Outcomes, 2021 AIAA SciTech, Nashville, Tennessee, Jan 11-15, 2021.

Trujillo, A. and Madni, A.M. Evaluating Value Proposition of Design Reuse, 2021 AIAA SciTech, Nashville, Tennessee, Jan 11-15, 2021.

Trujillo, A. and Madni, A.M. An MBSE Approach Supporting Technical Inheritance and Design Reuse Decisions, AIAA ASCEND Conference, Designed to Accelerate Our Off-World Future, Nov 16-18, 2020.

Wheaton, M., Pawlikowski, E., and Madni, A.M. Dynamic Case Analysis Methodology Using Model Based Approach, 2020 ASCEND, Las Vegas, Nevada, Nov 16-18, 2020.

Madni, A.M. MBSE Research Testbed for Rapid and Flexible Experimentation, NDIA 22nd Annual Systems and Mission Engineering Conference, November 10-13, 2020

Madni, A.M., Sievers, M., Purohit, S., and Madni, C. Toward a MBSE Research Testbed: Prototype Implementation and Lessons Learned, IEEE SMC Int’l Conference, Toronto, CA, Oct 11-14, 2020.

Pouya, P., and Madni, A.M. A Probabilistic Online Policy Estimator for Autonomous System Planning and Decision Making, IEEE SMC Int’l Conference, Toronto, CA, Oct 11-14, 2020.

Trujillo, A. and Madni, A.M. Assessing Required Rework in a Design Reuse Scenario, 2020 IEEE SMC International Conference, Toronto, Canada, Oct 11-14, 2020.

Trujillo, A. and Madni, A.M. “Exploration of MBSE Methods for Inheritance and Design Reuse in Space Missions,” Proceedings of 2020 Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER), Redondo Beach, CA, 2020.

Ordoukhanian and E., Madni, A.M., “Ontology-Enabled Hardware-Software Testbed for Engineering Adaptive Systems,” Proceedings of 2020 Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER), Redondo Beach, CA, 2020

Sievers, M. and Madni, A.M., Dynamic Causal Hidden Markov Model Risk Assessment, 2020 Conference on Systems Engineering Research, Redondo Beach, CA, Oct 8-10, 2020.

Trujillo, A. and Madni, A.M. Exploration of MBSE Methods for Inheritance and Design Reuse in Space Missions, 2020 Conference on Systems Engineering Research, Redondo Beach, CA, Oct 8-10, 2020.

Purohit, S., and Madni, A.M., “Employing Digital Twins within Model-Based Systems Engineering,” Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER 2020), Redondo Beach, CA, October 08-10, 2020.

Purohit, S., and Madni, A.M. Towards Making the Business Case for MBSE, 2020 Conference on Systems Engineering Research, Redondo Beach, CA, Oct 8-10, 2020.

Madni, A.M., “Models in Systems Engineering: From Engineering Artifacts to Source of Competitive Advantage,” Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER 2020), Redondo Beach, CA, October 8-10, 2020.

Madni, A.M. Minimum Viable Model to Demonstrate the Value Proposition of Ontologies for Model Based Systems Engineering, 2020 Conference on Systems Engineering Research, Redondo Beach, CA, Oct 8-10, 2020.

Mesmer, B., Watson, M., McKinney, D., and Madni, A.M., “Transdisciplinary Systems Engineering Approaches,” Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER 2020), Redondo Beach, CA, October 08-10, 2020.

Pouya, P., and Madni, A.M., “Probabilistic System Modeling for Complex Systems Operating in Uncertain Environments,” Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER 2020), Redondo Beach, CA, October 08-10, 2020.

Pouya, P. and Madni, A.M. Leveraging Probabilistic Modeling and Machine Learning in Engineering Complex Systems and System-of-Systems, 2020 SciTech

Madni, A.M., Purohit, S., Erwin, D. and Minnichelli, R. Analyzing Systems Architectures using Inter-Level and Intra-Level Dependency Matrix (I2DM), 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Bari, Italy.

Sievers, M., Madni, A. M., Pouya, P., and Minnichelli, R., "Trust and Reputation in Multi-Agent Resilient Systems," 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Bari, Italy, 2019, pp. 741-747, doi: 10.1109/SMC.2019.8914615.

Madni, A.M., Erwin, D. and Madni, A. Exploiting Digital Twin Technology to Teach Engineering Fundamentals and Afford Real-World Learning Opportunities, 2019 ASEE 126th Annual Conference and Exposition, Tampa, FL, June 15-19, 2019.

Madni, A.M. Toward Realizing Next Generation Resilient Cyber-Physical-Human Systems, 2019 IISE Annual Conference and Expo, Orlando, FL, May 18-21, 2019.

Ordoukhanian, E. and Madni, A.M. Toward Evaluating Resilience Mechanisms for Multi-UAV System of Systems, AIAA Science and Technology Forum, San Diego, California, January 7-11, 2019.​

Madni, A.M., Sievers, M., Erwin, D. Madni, A., Ordoukhanian, E. and Pouya, P. Formal Modeling of Complex Resilient Networked Systems, AIAA Science and Technology Forum, San Diego, California, January 7-11, 2019.

Sievers, M., Madni, A.M., and Pouya, P. Assuring Spacecraft Swarm Byzantine Resilience, AIAA Science and Technology Forum, San Diego, California, January 7-11, 2019.

Wheaton, M., and Madni, A.M. Model-Based Approach for resilience and Affordability Tradeoff Analysis, AIAA Science and Technology Forum, San Diego, California, January 7-11, 2019.

Madni, A.M., Madni, C.C. and Sievers, M. “Adaptive Cyber-Physical-Human Systems,” 2018 INCOSE International Symposium, July 7-12, 2018.

Madni, A.M., Sievers, M., Ordoukhanian, E., and Pouya, P., and Madni, A. “Extending Formal Modeling for Resilient Systems,” 2018 INCOSE International Symposium, July 7-12, 2018.

Wheaton, M. and Madni, A.M. Model-Based Tradeoffs for Affordable Resilient Systems, 2018 INCOSE International Symposium, July 7-12, 2018.

Orellana, D. and Madni, A.M. “Extending MBSE To Address Human-Systems Integration Considerations in the System Life Cycle,” 2018 IEEE Systems Conference (SysCon), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, April 23-26, 2018.

Madni, A.M. “Formal Methods for Intelligent Systems design and Control,” AIAA SciTech Forum, 2018 AIAA Information Systems, AIAA InfoTech@Aerospace, Kissimmee, Florida, January 8-12, 2018

Madni, A.M. and Sievers, M. “Model-Based Systems Engineering: Motivation, Current Status, and Needed Advances,” Conference on Systems Engineering Research, March 23-25, 2017, Redondo Beach, CA. 

Madni, A.M., Sievers, M., Humann, J., Ordoukhanian, E., “Model-Based Approach for Engineering Resilient System-of-Systems: Application to Multi-UAV Swarms,” Conference on Systems Engineering Research, March 23-25, 2017, Redondo Beach, CA. 

Kaslow, D., Madni, A.M., “Validation and Verification of MBSE-compliant CubeSat Reference Model,” Conference on Systems Engineering Research, March 23-25, 2017, Redondo Beach, CA.

Adler, A. and Madni, A.M. “High Reliability Imperative for Networked Autonomous Vehicles,” Conference on Systems Engineering Research, March 23-25, 2017, Redondo Beach, CA.

Orellana, D. and Madni, A.M. “An Architecture Profile for Human-Systems Integration,” Conference on Systems Engineering Research, March 23-25, 2017, Redondo Beach, CA.

Humann, J., Jin, Y. Madni, A.M., “Scalability in self-organizing systems: an experimental case study on foraging systems,” Conference on Systems Engineering Research, March 23-25, 2017, Redondo Beach, CA. 

Klingensmith, K., Madni, A.M., “Architecting Cyber-Secure, Resilient System-of-Systems,” Conference on Systems Engineering Research, March 23-25, 2017, Redondo Beach, CA. 

Klingensmith, K., Madni, A.M.,” Resilience Concepts for Architecting an Autonomous Military Vehicle System-of-Systems,” Conference on Systems Engineering Research, March 23-25, 2017, Redondo Beach, CA. 

Madni, A.M., D’Ambrosio, J., Sievers, M., Humann, J., Ordoukhanian, E., Sundaram, P. “Model-Based Approach for Engineering Resilient System-of-Systems:  Applications to Autonomous Vehicle Network” Conference on Systems Engineering Research, March 23-25, 2017, Redondo Beach, CA. 

Ordoukhanian, E., Madni, A.M., “Introducing Resilience into Multi-UAV System-of-Systems Network,” Conference on Systems Engineering Research, March 23-25, 2017, Redondo Beach, CA.  

Sievers, M. and Madni, A.M. Contract-Based Byzantine Resilience for Spacecraft Swarm, 2016 AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Expo, Grapevine, Texas, Jan 9-13, 2017.

Madni, A.M., Richey, M., Ordoukhanian, E., Venkatesh, J., Zender, F., Chang, K., Nance, M., “Exploiting Storytelling in Collaborative Systems Engineering: Towards a Smart Experiential Dashboard”, Conf. on Systems Engineering Research 2016, Huntsville, AL.

Sievers, M., Madni, A.M., “Agent-Based Flexible Design Contracts for Resilient Spacecraft Swarms”, AIAA Science and Technology 2016 Forum and Exposition, San Diego, CA.

Ordoukhanian, E., Madni, A.M., “Resilient Network of Systems”, AIAA Science and Technology 2016 Forum and Exposition, San Diego, CA.

Shao, A., Madni, A.M., Wertz, J. “Quantifying the Effect of Orbit Altitude on Mission Cost for Earth Observation Satellites”, AIAA Science and Technology 2016 Forum and Exposition, San Diego, CA.

Wheaton, M.J. and Madni, A.M.  “Resiliency and Affordability Attributes in a System Tradespace,” AIAA Space 2015 Conference and Exposition, Pasadena, CA.

Sievers, M., Madni, A.M., “Defining “Credible Faults” – A Risk-Based Approach,” AIAA Space 2015 Conference and Exposition, Pasadena, CA.

Ordoukhanian, E. and Madni, A.M., “System Tradeoffs in Networked System,” AIAA Space 2015 Conference and Exposition, Pasadena, CA.

McKelvin, Jr., M.L., Castillo, R., Bonanne, K., Bonnici, M., Cox, B., Gibson, C., Leon, J.P. Gomez-Mustafa, J. Jimenez, A., and Madni, A.M. “A Principled Approach to the Specification of System Architecture for Space Missions,” AIAA Space 2015 Conference and Exposition, Pasadena, CA.

Madni, A.M., Richey, M.C., Paulson, C., Spraragen, M., Nance, M., and Vander Wel, M. “Model-Based Optimization of Learning Curve: Implications for Business and Government,” INCOSE International Symposium, 2015, Seattle, WA.

Madni, A.M., Spraragen, M., and Madni, C.C., “Exploring and Assessing Complex System Behavior through Model-Driven Storytelling,” IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics International Conference, invited special session “Frontiers of Model Based Systems Engineering”, San Diego, CA, Oct 5-8, 2014.

Sievers, M.W. and Madni, A.M., “A Flexible Contracts Approach to System Resiliency,” IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics International Conference, invited special session “Frontiers of Model Based Systems Engineering”, San Diego, CA, Oct 5-8, 2014.

Goerger, S.R., Madni, A.M., and Eslinger, O.J. “Engineered Resilient Systems: A DOD Perspective,” Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER 2014), Eds.: Azad M. Madni, et al., Redondo Beach, CA, March 21-22, 2014.

Orellana, D.W. and Madni, A.M. “Human System Integration Ontology: Enhancing Model Based Systems Engineering to Evaluate Human-System Performance,” Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER 2014), Eds.: Azad M. Madni, et al., Redondo Beach, CA, March 21-22, 2014.

Ordoukhanian, E. and Madni, A.M., “Blended Wing Body Architecting and Design: Current Status and Future Prospects,” Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER 2014), Eds.: Azad M. Madni, et al., Redondo Beach, CA, March 21-22, 2014.

Spraragen, M. and Madni, A.M. “Modeling of Emotional Effects on Decision-Making by Game Agents,” Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER 2014), Eds.: Azad M. Madni, et al., Redondo Beach, CA, March 21-22, 2014.

Siegel, N.G. and Madni, A.M. "The Digital Battlefield: A Behind-the-Scenes Look from a Systems Perspective,” Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER 2014), Eds.: Azad M. Madni, et al., Redondo Beach, CA, March 21-22, 2014.

Rahimi, M. and Madni, A.M. "Toward a Resilience Framework for Sustainable Engineered Systems,” Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER 2014), Eds.: Azad M. Madni, et al., Redondo Beach, CA, March 21-22, 2014.

Humann, J. and Madni, A.M. "Integrated agent-based modeling and optimization in complex systems analysis,” Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER 2014), Eds.: Azad M. Madni, et al., Redondo Beach, CA, March 21-22, 2014.

Madni, A.M., Nance, M., Richey, M., Hubbard, W., and Hanneman, L. "Toward an Experiential Design Language: Augmenting Model-Based Systems Engineering with Technical Storytelling in Virtual Worlds,” Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER 2014), Eds.: Azad M. Madni, et al., Redondo Beach, CA, March 21-22, 2014.

Richey, M., Nance, M., Hanneman, L., Hubbard, W., Madni, A.M. and Spraragen, M. "A Complex Sociotechnical Systems Approach to Provisioning Policies for Future Workforce.” Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER 2014), Eds.: Azad M. Madni, et al., Redondo Beach, CA, March 21-22, 2014.

Orellana, D. and Madni, A. “Analyzing Human Machine Interaction and Interfaces through Model Based System Engineering Practices,” Proceedings INCOSE International Symposium, 9-12 July, Rome, Italy, 2012.

Orellana, D and Madni, A. “Extending Model Based Systems Engineering for Human Machine Interaction Analysis and Fault Tolerant Design,” Infotech@Aerospace, May 2012.

Rodriguez, Y. and Madni, A. “Adaptability in Engineered Resilient Systems (ERS),” Infotech@Aerospace Conference, May 2012.

Madni, A.M. and Wade, J.  “An Integrated, Modular Research Architecture for the Transformation of Systems Engineering,” 2011 Conference on System Engineering Research (CSER), Redondo Beach, CA, April 15-16, 2011.

Madni, A.M. and Allen, K.  “Options Reasoning for Large-Scale Systems Engineering, Program Management, and Organization Design,” 2011 Conference on System Engineering Research (CSER), Redondo Beach, CA, April 15-16, 2011.

Madni, A.M., Moini, A., and Madni, C.C. “Cross-cultural Decision Making Training Using Behavioral Game-theoretic Framework,” 3rd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Miami, FL, July 17-20, 2010.

Madni, A.M. and Madni, C.C. “Rapid Scenario Building and Optimization for Simulation-based Exercises,” 2009 Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security, Waltham, MA, May 11 – 13, 2009.

Andrecut, M. and Madni, A.M. “Sparse Network Reconstruction via Compressed Sensing,” Conference on System Engineering Research (CSER), 2008.

University of Southern California

© 2023 by Azad M. Madni, PhD

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